VoxIran is the exclusive provider of Iranian's cross-sectional time use survey. This in-depth survey has been fielded 7 times since 2010, and it will be repeated this year again.
Time-use survey is a statistical survey which aims to report data on how, on average, people spend their time and measures the amount of time people spend doing various activities, such as paid work, childcare, performance of religious acts, and socializing. VoxIran time use survey follows international standards and best practices for fielding this in-depth and complex survey.
See a comparison between how Iranians spend their day with Americans in our blog post here.
IranPoll Iranian Time Use Survey
To know more
If you are interested to know more about the Iranian time use survey or have specific questions about detailed time use of specific Iranian demographics, please contact us at Sales@IranPoll.com
VoxIran is the single most comprehensive databank of Iranian opinion polls containing more than 3,500 diverse questions on 430 topics and subtopics from 475+ probability sample surveys conducted from 2006 to the present in Iran.