VoxNations has the capacity to conduct a variety of telephone surveys in Turkmenistan, using call centers in various countries in addition to its two advanced calling centers in Toronto, Canada.
Telephone (Phone CATI) Surveys:
VoxNations has extensive experience in conducting telephone surveys around the world, including in Turkmenistan.
Considering that in 2021, according to the statistics from the International Telecommunication Union, there were around 6.25 million mobile cell phone subscriptions in Turkmenistan, telephone polling is an extremely strong mode of data collection in Turkmenistan. Consequently, since 2020, VoxNations has been able to use call centers in various countries, in addition to its two advanced calling centers in Toronto, Canada, to provide for the research needs of its clients.
Considering that Turkmenistan is a multi-tribal country, using interviewers proficient in local dialects allows VoxNations to effectively communicate survey questions and accurately record obtained responses. It also allows VoxNations to achieve very good response and cooperation rates.