Our surveys have been relied on by hundreds of journalists and academics from across the globe.
In addition to journalists and media outlets, our surveys have been used and relied on by hundreds of scholars and have appeared in tens of academic articles, analytical papers, and scientific journals. Below you may find a partial selection of such to publications:
Conduit, Dara, and Shahram Akbarzadeh. "Pre-election polling and the democratic veneer in a hybrid regime." Democratization 27.5 (2020): 737-757.
Kaczmirek, L., et al. "Building a probability-based online panel: Life in Australia™." CSRM and SRC Methods Paper (2019).
Maitre, Emmanuelle. "El acuerdo nuclear con Irán, víctima de la incertidumbre." Afkar ideas: Revista trimestral para el diálogo entre el Magreb, España y Europa 53 (2017): 58-60.
Keane, John. "Velvet Fists." The New Despotism. Harvard University Press, 2020. 155-196.
Yazdi, Haleh, David Barner, and Gail D. Heyman. "Children’s Intergroup Attitudes: Insights From Iran." Child development 91.5 (2020): 1733-1744.
鈴木均. "イランの第 12 回大統領選挙をめぐって." 中東レビュー 5 (2018): 19-22.
Якимова, Елизавета Александровна. "Израильские оценки состояния и перспектив отношений с Ираном после переизбрания Х. Роухани на пост президента." Проблемы национальнйо стратегии 6 (51) (2019): 77.
Mulligan, Thomas. "A Note on the Epistemology of Disagreement and Politics." Political Theory 44.5 (2016): 657-663.
Pavlik, John V. "THE AMERICAN CONTEXT." Global Media Perceptions of the United States: The Trump Effect (2021): 21.
Masterson, Julia. "Iranian Public Opinion Under 'Maximum Pressure'." Arms Control Today 49.10 (2019): 34-34.
Zamirirad, Azadeh. "Iran und Russland: Perspektiven der bilateralen Beziehungen aus Sicht der Islamischen Republik." (2017): 30.
Zadeali, M. "Vienna nuclear deal: A new opportunity for both Iran and Japan." Middle East Security Report 10 (2016).
Ghafouri, Vahid. Who rallies around the flag? Analyzing the impact of foreign interventions on nations' political stance using social media data. Diss. 2020.
Behrouzian, Golnoosh. From Reactance to Political Belief Accuracy: Evaluating Citizens’ Response to Media Censorship and Bias. Diss. The Ohio State University, 2018.
鈴木均, et al. "2017 年の中東地域." 中東レビュー 5 (2018): 2-48.
Rynhold, Jonathan. "Divide and Rule: Discursive Authority, Identity Dissonance, Ethnic Lobbies, and US Foreign Policy, or How President Obama Defeated AIPAC over the 2015 Iran Deal." Foreign Policy Analysis 17.2 (2021): orab005.
Sherrill, Clifton W. Losing Legitimacy: The End of Khomeini's Charismatic Shadow and Regional Security. Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.
Heeg, Robert. "Open for Business." Research World 2016.61 (2016): 6-9.
Fitzpatrick, Mark. "Assessing the JCPOA." Adelphi Series 57.466-467 (2017): 19-60.
Shahi, Afshin, and Ehsan Abdoh-Tabrizi. "Iran’s 2019–2020 demonstrations: the changing dynamics of political protests in Iran." Asian Affairs 51.1 (2020): 1-41.
Jiang, Zhiyu. "Biden’s Middle East Policy: Inheritance and Changes to Trump’s Middle East Policy." 2021 International Conference on Public Relations and Social Sciences (ICPRSS 2021). Atlantis Press, 2021.
Zimmt, Raz. "Major Trends in Iranian Society." Tel Aviv: Strategic Assessment 20.4 (2018): 7-17.
Nephew, Richard. The Art of Sanctions. Columbia University Press, 2017.
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