Social research has been the core of what our experts have been doing in Iran since 2006 and IranPoll has been closely monitoring Iran’s social dynamics and trends since its inception.
The following is a selection of topics that are covered by VoxIran:
Family and Relationships:
Marriage and Divorce
Extra-marital relationships
Pre-marital relationships and partnership
Family planning
Family laws
Inheritance laws
Spousal relationship and role in the family
Gender roles
Sexual health and practices
Life satisfaction:
Measures of happiness
Measures of hope
Measures of physical well-being
Measures of psychological well-being
Measures of emotional well-being
Measures of spiritual well-being
Sense of growth and individual development
Measures of self-respect
Measures of self-confidence
Satisfaction with career
Sense of belonging
Relationship with friends
Time use
Social and economic mobility
Wheel of life indicators
Meaning of life
Expectations from life
Expectations about future
Comparisons with past
Gap between desired and achieved goals
Intend to and attitudes toward emigration
National and Cultural Identity:
Nationalism vs. Religion
Iranian view on State/Church duopoly
National vs. Ethnic identity
National vs. local identity
Identity threat perception
Generational gap
Religious beliefs and practices
Role of Islamic law / Shariah
Role of religion in politics and society
Islam – West relations
Restrictions on Religion
Religious extremism
Health and health care related issues:
Access to healthcare
Satisfaction with quality of healthcare services
Perceptions regarding affordability of healthcare
Health habits
Drug abuse
Use of narcotics
Satisfaction with health
Women’s health issues
Marital Status
Household income and spending power
Socioeconomic Class
VoxIran is the single most comprehensive databank of Iranian opinion polls containing more than 3,500 diverse questions on 430 topics and subtopics from 475+ probability sample surveys conducted from 2006 to the present in Iran.