At IranPoll, we combine time-tested methods with the highest opinion research industry standards to meet even the most complex research needs of our clients.
““methodology stands up to scrutiny.”
Referring to a poll conducted by IranPoll for the University of Maryland.”
our Standard Probability Sample Telephone (CATI) survey method
Due to a very high penetration of landline and mobile telephone in Iran, probability sample telephone surveys have been the method of choice for most opinion research companies inside and outside of Iran that focus on the Iranian public opinion.
Our probability sample CATI survey methodology, which we have used to successfully predict past two Iranian presidential elections, has been thoroughly checked and validated by multiple prestigious institutions, including Princeton University, University of California Los Angeles, the Washington Post, Ohio State University, University of Maryland, Ritsumeikan University, and Philipps-Universitat Marburg. The data produced by our method, has been checked, used and relied on by tens of academic articles and has consistently been in conformity with national and international population statistics.
Relying on prevailing industry standards, IranPoll, which is the subdivision of VoxNations that focuses on Iran, utilizes Random Digit Dialing (RDD) to randomly draw its household telephone sample from all active Iranian telephone numbers. Once a household is reached, a qualified respondent is randomly selected from within that household, often using either the Random Table technique or the Last-Birthday (LB) method. Both the criteria for who qualifies to participate in our surveys (which often has been all residents of Iran who are over the age of 18) and the procedure for randomly choosing a respondent within each reached household is determined by the client. Unless otherwise requested by the client, generally an initial attempt and at least two callbacks are made in an effort to complete an interview with the randomly selected respondents. All interviews are conducted in a centralized call centers and are continuously monitored for quality control purposes.
IranPoll is unique in that unlike most other opinion research companies inside and outside of Iran who only use interviewers fluent in Farsi (Persian) – which is the native language of only about 55% of Iran’s current population – it uses interviewers fluent in the vernaculars of various regions in Iran. This allows IranPoll to more effectively communicate survey questions and accurately record obtained responses. Our Call Center is staffed with interviewers native in the following ethnic languages and dialects of Iran:
At the completion of each survey, we provide our clients with the response rate, cooperation rate, refusal rate, and contact rate of the survey based on the most recent Standard Definitions of American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR).
“It’s not easy conducting opinion polls in Iran. But IranPoll has a good track record by using anonymous phone surveys. It has accurately predicted presidential election result.”