VoxNations has the unique capacity, experience, and expertise to conduct qualitative studies with participants from Turkmenistan.
Focus Groups and In-depth Interviews
VoxNations has developed a unique capacity to conduct focus groups, structured observations, group interviews, gang surveys, ethnographic interviews, and in-depth interview studies on diverse subject matters among first- and second-generation Turkmens who currently reside outside of Turkmenistan. Focus groups are organized utilizing industry-standard custom-designed focus group facilities:
Spacious room, fully equipped with unobtrusive double audio/video recording capabilities, TV set connected to computer with Internet and DVD, flip chart, and concept rails,
State-of-the-art recruiting techniques with a computer-aided telephone interviewing (CATI) facility, experienced operators and interviewers, expert screening and recruiting techniques, and
Soundproof viewing area, seating up to 8 observers, providing an optimal observing environment with electronic audio monitoring and a large one-way mirror.
Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, which is the home to millions of immigrants from all walks of life, VoxNations is uniquely positioned to conduct various reliable qualitative studies among Turkmens who currently reside outside of Turkmenistan.